Re-presenting the Classic Taíno Language
Representación de la lengua Taíno clásico
The United Confederation of Taíno People's Taíno Language Committee is committed to the re-presentation of the Classic Taíno Language. Through our various initiatives such as "Taíno Word of the Day", "Taino Language Lessons", and the recently published "Gu'ahia Taíno We Speak Taíno Dictionary and Grammar Guide" we continue engage in this historic work.
El Comité de Lenguaje Taíno de la Confederación Unida de el Pueblo Taíno está comprometido con la re-presentación del lenguaje taíno clásico. A través de nuestras diversas iniciativas como "Palabra Taína del Día", "Lecciones de Lenguaje Taíno", y la recientemente publicada "Gu'ahia Taíno, Hablamos Taíno, Diccionario y Guía Gramatical" seguimos comprometidos con esta labor histórica.
UCTP Taíno Word of the Day
Gu'ahia Taíno - We Speak Taíno
A Classic Taíno Dictionary and Grammar Guide
Published by the United Confederation of Taíno People, this precedent-setting, updated dictionary, and grammar guide for the Indigenous Classic Taíno Language developed by Indigenous Taíno leaders. The publication features historical review on the development of the Classic Taíno Language, in-depth comparative analysis with related and unrelated regional Indigenous languages, introductory grammar and syntax, detailed tables for focused study, a comprehensive word listing featuring simplified spelling, phonetic pronunciations, botanical information, updated taxonomic identifiers for plants and animals, an Indigenous-centered presentation of word definitions, and word source information for each entry.

Taíno Language Lessons
An initiative of the United Confederation of Taíno People's Taíno Language Committee.
Click on the image for a full view.

UCTP Taíno Language Committee
Our organizational leads on the UCTP's language intiatives